Monday, May 14, 2018

Site 3: University Rehabilitation Center

The third site we visited was the Universities Rehabilitation Center. It was very eyeopening to see all the remarkable machinery to help people that had various types of injuries. It was so cool to see the SMART room where a lot of technology was able to help the residents. For example, you could touch this computer like screen to open the windows or turn the lights on and off. Additionally, a lot of the machines had access to move it up and down so residents can have an easier time accessing them. We also got to see the occupational therapy room which was interesting. What I found most interesting was talking to the researchers about the machinery to help people. I liked that example that was on the computer where it was the hand trying to put the cubes in the treasure chest. It is a lot harder than it looks, but it definitely helps with fine motor skills.  Overall, a very interesting and intriguing experience. 

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