Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Invisible Ljubljana


Today we went on a tour to learn more about the homeless system here in Ljubljana. It was really informative and eyeopening to see how they operate it here. It was nice because someone that goes/went through the process was the one that led the tour. It was nice to hear first hand experiences from what she went through. We got to observe the place where the homeless can be provided shelter, food, clothes, etc. There was only seven beds provided in one room so there was rules that people had to follow. In order to be granted a bed that had to pray before every meal and be willing to help clean.

Furthermore, the ladies took us to a place on the river called Stigma. This place was for people that had drug addiction problems. In order to be provided a place to stay through what is called safehouse the individual had to have an addictions problem and prove they were being harassed in some way or another.

The last place they took us to was the homeless shelter. We did not get to go inside because it was closed, but I got to see that part of town that I didn't think existed. One of the ladies mentioned that most people that are homeless lie on the grasses outside the shelter in the park. People tend to avoid that side of town especially if they have children. Her analogy was that it looked like a party because the grass had alcohol bottles everywhere and needles as well.  Just overall a really sad situation for a lot of individuals and families, but it's the reality of it.

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