Sunday, May 27, 2018

Final Post


Although I miss Europe because of the wonderful views, the wine, and the endless adventures I love being back home.I love being able to see my family, my fiance, and my dog. I am in the process for a moving with my fiance so I'm super excited because we bought a house. So it wasn't like I felt like I was dread coming back home because I had so much to look forward to. I also, got to attend my brothers 8th grade promotion. All good things after the trip and I am looking for an even more eventful summer. Thank you all for reading the and checking in on my journey. It's been wonderful talking about it ! :)

The joys of being back at work


In addition to my preschool job during the week I also work at Walmart in the bakery. With it being Memorial day weekend and the weather is hot, but beautiful it has been super hectic. I have been decorating cakes left and right. I have made ones the look like an orange, strawberry, watermelon, and many more. Today's task is doing Memorial day cookie cakes and doing Fathers Day stuff. Needless to say I miss the wonderful days of being in Europe and sitting a long the river drinking wine. I wish that could be me right now, but it's not. My life is go go go since I've gotten back.  Well here is some pictures of my work today. Enjoy!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Opportunities - Final Post

As I reflect on my experiences from traveling abroad I can only be grateful and appreciative that I was able to take the opportunity to go on this trip. I have always wanted to study abroad and it is crazy to think I was able to do so only a year before I graduate. Traveling to Slovenia has made me want to continue to travel to other countries to learn about the culture and language, and to also try new foods. It was an amazing experience with a great group! I could not have asked for a better group to travel with and I am thankful for that.  I hope to continue to travel as much as I can to gain experiences such as I did on this trip. 

Thanks so much for reading!
Jess White


The Experience of a Lifetime


After arriving home over a week ago, I am thankful for my experiences abroad. I have met some amazing people, learned ways to improve my teaching, and discovered new ways to be inclusive in my classroom. This entire experience has been magnificent.

Going into this trip, I did not know I would feel such an impact as I do now. With graduation behind me, I am ready to take on my career and become the best educator I can be. I believe this experience has helped shape me into who I will become in my own classroom.

Ending on that, all I can say is thank you.


Summing Up!


This is officially the last day of our blog posts! It is pretty bitter sweet. I enjoyed writing about all of my experiences and am glad I had this outlet to be able to freely reflect on them. Our trip to Slovenia has taught me about everything from knowledge that will help in my career to new insights on myself. This trip has let me get out of my comfort zone and become more confident in myself as a person. I have gained so many new friendships with people I will forever share the bond of studying abroad together.  I am very glad I decided to go on this trip, and am so grateful for the professors, Dr. H and Dr. Lorelle, who organized this trip to give us all of these amazing opportunities and experiences in Slovenia (as well as in Croatia and Venice). Thank you all for reading our blog, I hope you enjoyed all of our adventures! 💖

Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Sun!


A couple days ago, my blog post was all about how I missed the weather in Slovenia and how gross the weather has been here. Well, it is not gross anymore! The sun is out so it is beautiful and warm outside. We have now been home for one week - the time has flown by. Though I am overwhelmed with assignments from my summer courses,  I am making it a goal this weekend to get out of the house and do something fun. This is because of my blog yesterday about how Slovenia showed me how to relax and enjoy myself. I will probably get together with some friends this Friday and take my puppy, Theo, out to the Farmer's Market on Sunday. I am glad to be home and ready to take some time for myself.


Jessica D.

Europe was an amazing experience and I genuinely hope that I will be able to return one day and explore more of the country. However, I am more than happy to be home and having adventures with my family. Last weekend, I graduated college. This weekend, my brother will be graduating high school, the last in the family to do so. I'm grateful that I returned in time to see him reach this milestone (especially because he is not going to college next semester) and celebrate with our family this weekend. I loved the memories made on this trip, the new experiences, and the beautiful landscapes throughout so much of Slovenia, Croatia, and Italy. At the same time, I love the memories I make with my family and I love the opportunity to relax and enjoy this summer while searching for teaching jobs.

Enjoying the Sun


One thing I don’t miss from my trip is all the rain! I had no idea it rained so much in Slovenia. I know it is spring time and this is common, but it rained almost every day!

It has rained a few times since I’ve been home, but we’ve also had a ton of great, rain free, sunny days! Today for instance, is going to be 80 and sunny. Yesterday was also 80 and sunny!

Although I could leave the rain, I am still missing being abroad!

Something Learned


Another thing I learned in Slovenia is to take the time to enjoy what is going on around me.  Currently, at home, I am super stressed and only thinking about the future and all of the assignments I have to do. When I started to think of something to write about for this blog, I reflected on how I acted and felt in Slovenia. I was certainly not stressed like I am now. The lifestyle there is so much more relaxed in a way that was comfortable. There was no rush from the people there. Every restaurant we went would take time because they want us to enjoy each other's company while we prepare to eat a meal together. Of course, there were times when we had places to be at certain times and deadlines, yet none of that stressed me out while I was there.  I think this was because I wanted to soak in all of the experiences as they came. Now, at home, I have nothing 'new' to experience, so I am just stressing out about the future. I need to relax, do something fun, and not lose sight of the people around me or the small, new experiences that I could create for myself. Thank you, Slovenia, for showing/teaching me this new life skill.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Other Feelings


Well tomorrow will be officially a week I have been back from Europe.  I was surprised that my sleep pattern adapted pretty well. I feel it's my food schedule that is so out of wack. I need to tell myself its 7am here and it's breakfast time, but in my head back in Ljubljana it's like lunch time so my body is like so confused. So needless to say, I am really happy that my body is starting to get back on track with eating. It is also really nice that I am eating American food again. haha. Even though I felt I had pizza quite often and such. I guess for next trip abroad my goal will be to try and be more adventurous when it comes to food.  Well until next time! (:


Jessica D.

The curiosity of children is so amazingly innocent. Today I went to visit the students in my student teaching classroom. After being completely attacked by 21 little people in the doorway, I spent some time talking about my trip and showing them pictures. I loved talking about my memories from the trip with the kids, especially as they enthusiastically asked about the castles ("Why are there so many castles in Europe?") and the food ("EWWWW what is that??"). Their reactions made me see the trip in a whole new way...through the eyes of a child. When I showed them the pictures of Predjama Castle and explained that the caves were used to escape in case of an attack, one of the students said "That's so smart. They were smarter a long time ago," while another said "He sounds like a wimp." They also thought that eating dinner in a castle was the best experience ever, because obviously it is. Honestly, I loved Europe, but I can't believe how much better my day became the second I walked into that classroom. I missed my students.

Almost Feeling Recovered

I have been home from Europe for almost a week and I still feel as if I am recovering from the jet lag. I am also fighting a cold that I have had since being overseas. While I feel a lot better than I did since I first returned home I still feel a little off and not all the way there. I feel tired throughout the day and at about 7:00 pm I start to feel like I could go to bed for the night. Last night my boyfriend was cooking dinner and I fell asleep before the food was even done. I hope I start to feel normal soon because I really need to focus on my summer classes. I wonder if anyone else is feeling this way also.

Thanks for reading!
Jess White



After beginning the trip extremely jet lagged and exhausted, I don’t think I ever fully recovered while abroad. Now that I have been home a week, I think I have finally recovered. I am back to my normal sleep schedule, which is great!

Luckily I have had no issues getting to bed at a decent time. If. I had, it would be a problem because my dogs are up and ready to eat before 6! 😑

Adjusting to my routine back home was a lot easier than adjusting to a new routine abroad! The one thing I would like to implement back home is all the walking! I’m still trying to figure out how to implement that kind of walking into my lifestyle when my only options are to do circles around my neighborhood!

Pictured: my early bird pups!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018



I actually miss the weather in Slovenia right now.  Here, it is rainy and chilly. In Slovenia, it was sunny and so nice outside. It did rain a couple times when we were there, but not for a long period of time (that I remember anyways). One day we were there, we went to eat sausage and a few of us were sitting outside (sausage pictured below, of course). All of a sudden, it started pouring rain. We were, thankfully, under umbrellas - so, our sausage and wine were mostly safe. The down pour only lasted a few minutes, then it cleared up and the sun came right back out. Now, at home, it is rainy, foggy, and humid. I can't wait until we have nicer weather here - or I guess I'll just have to go back to Slovenia!

Missing the beautiful views


Like I have mentioned in previous blogs, what I seriously took for granted was the wonderful scenery in Europe. I loved being able to wake up and go walking and seeing the mountains in the distance. I loved how clean and crisp the air felt. I seriously am so disappointed at how polluted our air is (particularly in IL just alone).  One highlight I want to reflect on that I really enjoyed was going to the small village of Motovun, Croatia. I thought it was so beautiful and awesome that this small village was at this peak of a mountain. Although I didn't climb the mountain like originally planned, it was still nice to have the bus take us up. That would have definitely put me in shape had if we didn't have the bus. I was really disappointed with the rain storm that day. It would have been super lovely doing more exploring. Overall, though it was still a wonderful time spent and the food was great. I had some kind of sausage and it was wonderful.  Hope to visit Motovun again and Croatia overall because it is a beautiful country.

New Friends

Jessica D.

We've been home for about five days, but it seems like much longer to me. I'm enjoying my free time and time with family but I definitely miss Slovenia and the friends we made in Ljubljana. From day one, the students from the University of Ljubljana made us feel welcome. They were energetic, enthusiastic, and helpful. I enjoyed getting to know them, talking, walking around town, and taking in the sights. I think these are some of my favorite memories from the trip because we were able to experience the city of Ljubljana through the eyes of a native and just relax. After a busy day on the bus, at the University, or at site visits, it was so much fun to just talk and relax with people from another country who really aren't that different from us at all.

Some Other Favorite Memories from Slovenia

One of my absolute favorite memories from Slovenia was going out with Sara and our group of girls. We all had a blast and I am sure none of us will forget that night. I am thankful that we got to spend time with Sara and Urska because they were so friendly and easy to talk to. I also learned so much from them about their language, education system, and differences between Slovenia and the US. Another memory of mine was all the time spent with our group. I was the only person who knew everyone that was going on the trip, but I definitely got to know everyone a little better during the trip. I really enjoyed my time spent in Slovenia and I miss spending time with our whole group.

Thanks for reading!
Jess White

What I Miss


Now that I have been home for some time, I am beginning to miss life abroad. I think I miss the food most! I can still taste the smoked ribs I ate over two weeks ago! 😂

I am still shocked at how much I truely enjoyed Slovenian cuisine. Everything was always packed with a freshness I have never tasted before. I’m not sure I will ever be able to eat eggs in the United States again. Nothing compares to that freshness!

This experience has pushed me to eat less processed food and more fresh foods.

I’m looking forward to seeing the health results of this!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Missing the Ice Cream

Right now, I am missing the ice cream from Slovenia and Venice. Cacao was amazing. The place at Lake Bled, amazing. In Venice, amazing. My freezer-burned carton of generic brand ice cream, definitely not amazing. Not only was the ice cream fantastic, but being able to get together with all the girls on the trip as well as the students from the University of Ljubljana to just relax was great. The night we got ice cream at Cacao with the whole group was a lot of fun. We walked around the city and got to know each other. A few of us even walked down the river and sat on steps leading down to the river for a while, just talking. It was a nice, relaxed night. In my opinion, this just shows that getting ice cream is a great way to bond and form new friendships!

What I Learned in Slovenia

Jessica D.

I loved our learning experiences in Slovenia, particularly the learning focused on the topic of education. I enjoyed visiting the three education centers including Livada Primary and Vodmat Kindergarten. I learned that education in Slovenia is very highly valued and high-quality. From a very young age, children are encouraged to take part in advanced learning opportunities that promote higher-order thinking. Activities are often based on the project-learning concept and build gradually on knowledge which pertain to the likes and interests of the children in the center. I also learned that education in Slovenia is inclusive and focused on benefiting the needs of the whole child. This system is based on the Swedish system, which has worked wonderfully for many years.

Favorite Memory from the Trip

If I had to choose one part of the trip that was my favorite it would be the trip to Lake Bled. It was so peaceful and absolutely beautiful there. We got to travel to the top and the view was even more amazing than when we were on the boat. I will definitely be returning here someday!

Thanks for reading!
Jess White

Something I learned from Europe

Something that I learned and haven't really talked about much was my time spent in Croatia. Although, it was only one day that I spent there it was still so much fun and so information with such rich history. One of my highlights in Croatia was not only being on the coast of  Pula, but also visiting the Pula Arena. What I found to be so interesting was that this amphitheatre is the only one that remains a Roman amphitheatre that has all its original constructions. It withholds its four towers. Additionally, it also is one of the six largest surviving roman arenas throughout the entire world. It also is really interesting to see that it is considered to be one of the best preserved monuments throughout all of Croatia. (Turner, 1996).


Turner, J., Grove Dictionary of ArtOxford University Press, USA. New Ed edition, January 2, 1996



As my busy weekend finally settles down, I reflect on my entire experience abroad with gratitude. I am so thankful for the opportunity to travel abroad and study what I love. Learning about the education system in Slovenia is something I will keep with me forever. The memories made on this trip will last a lifetime.

This experience has given me the itch I needed to learn more about the world around me. I cannot wait to return to Europe! 😊

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Something I Learned In Slovenia

I learned a vast amount of information while in Slovenia. One of the most important things I took with me from this trip was the fact that Slovenian children begin to learn English by the age of nine. I found this so interesting and it made me wish public schools in the United States followed the same system. If children in the United States were required to learn Spanish, or any other language, then that language barrier would most likely be diminished. I believe all children should be bilingual. I learned many of the students at the University know not only one language but multiple languages. This blew me away and made me wish that my schools had required learning a second language.

Thanks for reading!
Jess White

Memory from the trip

The wonderful Rialto Bridge. I feel like there is many things that I miss from being in Europe, but the one thing I miss is being in Venice. I feel there is so much rich history there and I think it's so cool how a lot of the town is surrounded from the canal. I do wish we wouldve had more than one day spent it Venice and been able to explore more parts of Italy, but that's my incentive to go back. I want to visit Rome, Florence, Cicily, Naples, and many other parts. Italy in general is such a beautiful country that has such rich interesting history. I feel like the Rialto bridge is a huge significant part of history for Venice. I did find it remarkable how many bridges there are in just Venice alone.  I had many other wonderful highlights of the trip. I  thought it was such a beautiful view when I finally made it to the top of the Rialto bridge.  My only regret was not making my way up to the Cathedral to see the whole town. That would have truly been an astonishing few.

What I miss from Slovenia

I think now that I am back home I took the wonderful scenery of Slovenia for granted. I felt like everywhere I went there was always a mountain in the distance and it was just beautiful. Where now that I'm back in the town of Plainfield all that I get to see is corn, corn, and more corn. Needless to say that isnt the most scenic of fews. That is honestly one of the things I miss. Aside from visiting the castle, the caves, the coast of Croatia and of course riding along the canal in a gondola in Venice. All of those things were absolutely huge highlights of the trit,but for sure the fews were just breathtaking that isn't something one sees in the town of Plainfield,IL.

Home again

Today is my first day back home! I had An amazing two weeks abroad, but I was so happy to see my family again. Jet lag is so real: I feel extremely tired like I could sleep for a whole week straight. Unpacking is also one of the things that I hate doing so that will not be fun.  I’m really trying to power through today without a nap so I can be ready for first day of classes tomorrow. I will get to see some of the girls from the trip tomorrow in class so that will be cool.


Jessica D.

I have so many wonderful memories from the this point I'm becoming very nostalgic. While I was definitely ready to come home by Thursday, I am beyond glad that I took the opportunity to study abroad in Slovenia. One of my favorite memories of the trip is our day trip to Lake Bled. I absolutely plan to return to this beautiful location one day; the lake, the island, and the castle are one of the most breathtaking views I've ever witnessed. Venice was also a highlight because I have always wanted to visit Italy. Although it was only one city and one day, I can check the experience off of my bucket list. I also know more about the city and the country for when I return in the future...for example, I know where to find the best "walking pasta" in the city! Finally, my most memorable experience will always be dinner in Ljubljana Castle on our very first night. I was exhausted, and the trek down the side of the mountain after dinner was brutal, but the experience was one-of-a-kind.

New Knowledge


I learned so much from our trip to Slovenia. Most of the things I learned were through the site visits. One thing in particular was about the Vodmat Kindergarten center. Other than how the whole education system differs from ours; the Kindergarten center we visited was based all based on learning through art. I thought this was an amazing and creative approach. We heard about how one of the recent years was based on photography, and how the students spent time understanding everything from how a camera works to how to take pictures of different scenes/emotions. They also got to display the children's final photography project in a section of a museum - which I thought would be so cool for the student's to see what they can accomplish through art.  We also learned about and got to see different activities involved at their center in action, such as drawing, painting, story time, and roller skating. This center showed me a lot, and gave me ideas for activities to bring back home to try to incorporate into my own work in my future daycare center. Incorporating art is so important since it allows self-expression in many forms and can teach children self-worth and independence.


Missing Slovenia


I have been home for only a little while, but I already miss Slovenia. The thing I miss most is how laid back the city is. At home, I am already rushing to get places and to get work done. In Ljubljana, we had places to be, but everything was a lot calmer with a lot less stress. I also miss how beautiful the city is. Everywhere we went was gorgeous. I especially loved the castle and its' view. I came home to a dead raccoon in my yard, so there's really no comparison between these two places.



I have been home for 3 days now, and still haven’t had a moment to rest! Friday, my friends and family threw me a surprise party! Yesterday, I graduated from college! Today, I am attending my (almost) sister-in-laws graduation!

To say I am exhausted is an understatement! I cannot wait to rest all next week! Although it will be short lived because I am picking up my newest foster dog from Chicago Animal Care and Control tomorrow morning!

And so the chaos continues....

Pictured: Vespa 💜

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Really Missing Slovenian Food

Today was my first day back to work and when I got there I felt so strange and very out of it. I work at a restaurant and I did not even want to go near the food after eating such good food while in Europe. I think it is safe to say I miss the food the most. Every meal I ate was so delicious and fresh. I am already beginning to make more conscious food choices by eliminating processed foods as much as I can from my diet. I am eager to read what everyone else is missing the most.

Thanks for reading!
Jess White 

Graduation Day


I cannot believe something I have waited for so long has finally come! Today is graduation day! I honestly did not think I would be so nostalgic about it. When I really think about it, I realize an entire chapter of my life is ending. I will be shutting the door on college and opening the door to my career. All of my dreams are finally coming true! 😊

Stephanie 💜

What I Miss

Jessica D.

More than anything, I miss the calm and safety within Slovenia. Although I spent Friday relaxing, Saturday has been chaotic and stressful. Catching up on work and assignments, unpacking and washing clothes, sending in (more) job applications, responding to emails, and graduation have kept me constantly going throughout the day and I miss the calm of Slovenia. I am also beginning to miss the wonderful people we met there. Everyone was so incredibly friendly in Ljubljana...meanwhile many of the people I've encountered since returning have been crabby or complaining. Finally, I miss the ability to wander around the city and explore. I've lived in my area for most of my life, so it is far less beautiful and far less intriguing. I'd love to be able to walk to the City Center for some ice cream or climb up to Ljubljana Castle to just enjoy the gorgeous scenery.

Oh, and I really miss being able to type on my laptop without my cat sitting half on my lap and half on the keyboard while nipping at my hands.

Friday, May 18, 2018

First Full Day Back


First full day back. Today I woke up early and felt great! I did take a nap, but that’s because I knew I would be staying up late tonight. Tonight, I am hanging out with my friends. I can’t wait to tell them about all of my adventures in Slovenia! I am also so glad to be back with my puppy, he has not left my side since I got home. 

First Full Day Back Home

I never in a million years thought that I would experience such serious jet lag. I have heard people complain about it but I did not have any idea how intense it could be. In addition to the jet lag and getting used to the different time zone, I was sick as soon as I got home from the airport and have felt sick ever since. I feel like I could sleep for a whole week. I was hoping my return home would be a bit more positive than this.

Thanks for reading!
Jess White

Vacation continues...

First day not in Ljubljana. I extended my trip a little longer though and I am staying in Paris until tomorrow. Today has been filled with awesome site seeing and LOTS of walking. I seen the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Notre Dame Cathedral and The Louvre Museum! Paris seems much more touristy than Ljubljana so I am missing the relaxed vibe Ljubljana has. Can’t wait for tomorrow though!

First Day Back Home


The feeling of being back home and sleeping in my own bed was wonderful. I slept a decent amount and it was wonderful to see everyone. My doggy was super excited to see me and she loved her treat that I got for her at the dog bakery. Additionally, realty is sinking in again because my other summer classes have began so I am just getting all my textbooks and reading over the syllabi and making sure I have my ducks in a row. Also, I have been doing laundry since I had a good chunk of dirty clothes from the trip. I love wearing my Slovenian T-shirt that I got at one of the Souvenir shops.  However, in addition to cleaning I am also packing because my fiance and I bought a house. So I am packing everything up to move in with him the first week of June. As fun as the couple weeks were, now I am back to being my typical busy self. The trip was fun while it lasted. I am sure once I go back to work I will be wishing I was sitting next to the water and drinking a tequila sunrise.

Returning Home


On my way to heading the airport I got sad knowing I was leaving such a beautiful country with so much history, but at the same time I was super happy heading home to see my family, my fiance, and my doggy.  Even though it was only two weeks, I still missed all of them like crazy.  The first flight from Ljubljana to Istanbul wasn't too bad. I was able to get a row to myself because the flight wasn't that busy.  The longer flight to Chicago was kind of rough for me. I was trying very hard not to sleep so I would be tired sleeping on Chicago time schedule. So during the long flight I watched like four movies and listened to some classical music. Overall I only slept for maybe an hour. So it worked out well. Customs went A LOT smoother than I expected so overall it was pretty good process.



Venice was a BEAUTIFUL city. It was a lot bigger city than I thought it was.  I thought it was interesting with how many bridges there are in the city. Aside from shopping, I went on the gondola and it was awesome. I got to see some beautiful parts on the river and our gondola driver was super funny. That was probably my favorite part of the day. Also, I loved the Rialto bridge. It was a beautiful spot to see the grand canal. I wish I would've had time to be able to go to the top of the San Marco Cathedral Tower. It would have been an amazing view of the city.  I also thought that the Doge's Palace was beautiful. It had always been my dream to go to Italy and too bad I didn't have a longer stay there. Nonetheless, I will definitely be returning ! :)


Jessica D.

Today I slept late and then pretty much just spent the day relaxing in bed. It was wonderful to skip the alarm, the early morning routine, the hotel bathroom, the elevators, and the same old hotel breakfast. I was far too happy to be able to open my own fridge and make some fluffy pancakes without feeling the need to make myself presentable before leaving my room. The best part? The coffee. I can't believe how much I missed my trusty coffee pot and flavored creamer. It's amazing how much I missed everything, actually, from my own bed to my shower (with shower curtains that cover the entire shower and ensure that I don't have to clean water puddles off the floor). More than anything, I missed my family! My brother and I have started talking about another trip to Europe, but this time we want to go as a family.

First Day Home


Today was my first full day back home. I spent the entire morning cleaning the whole house from top to bottom! My fiancé tried his best but it’s very hard to keep a house clean with 3 big dogs!

Later today, I thought I was meeting my sister and her husband for dinner; but I was really going to my surprise party! My family threw me a surprise graduation party! I am so lucky to have them!

Stephanie 💜

Thursday, May 17, 2018


I made it home! After a long day of travel, I am finally in my own bed. I am sad to leave Slovenia, but happy to be reunited with my puppy.  I am ready to rest for a few days before beginning summer courses. This trip to Slovenia was well worth it, I am so glad I came with.  I have made many new friends and definitely got out of my comfort zone. It was such a great experience and I cannot wait to share my travels with all of my friends and family!


Jessica D.

Round two of extreme two hour flight, one race through the airport and security to get a second boarding pass, an almost 12 hour flight, four movies, three meals, and way too many cups of water. The Ljubljana airport wouldn’t issue three of us our second boarding pass for our transfer flight so we had to head through the airport, back through security, then more security, then more security. The flight, however, definitely went by faster than last time though simply because I was so exhausted that I was able to nap for a while. My family was happy to see me when I walked into the house and I was absolutely excited to be home. It was nice to visit, take a shower in my own bathroom, and be able to spread out my things in my own room. Now for a good nights sleep for the first time in almost two weeks!

Going Home - Goodbye Europe

I will be completely honest and say I was homesick this whole trip. I did not let it affect my having a good time whatsoever, but I am happy to be getting home. We will be traveling for most of the day today. With a combined 12 hours of flight time ahead of me I feel very anxious to get home. I had a wonderful, amazing, beautiful time here in Europe with this group of girls and our professors and I cannot wait to return someday.

Thanks for reading!
Jess White

Leaving day!

I am currently in the Ljubljana airport waiting for my plane. This morning when I was doing my last minute errands and walking around the city for the last time. It really hit me that I am going to miss this place. Ljubljana is so beautiful and I felt so welcomed my entire stay here. It was such an amazing experience to be here and be a part of the university even for a short amount of time. Although I am sad to be leaving, I am excited also because I will be staying a day in Paris.

Coming Home!


Today was spent traveling home! It was a long journey back but one I was happy to make! I had an absolutely amazing time on this trip, but I really missed my Fiancé and our dogs! Everyone was very happy to see me!

The next few days will be spent relaxing with my pups!

First priority: get some real sleep!

Stephanie 💜

Venice, Italy

Venice was everything I thought it would be and more. The experience of walking into St. Mark's Square and seeing St. Mark's Cathedral and the Palace for the first time was like no other. The sight was breathtaking. We took a gondola ride which was an awesome experience. I did a lot of shopping while in Venice and one of my favorite things that I purchased were Venetian masks. I really enjoyed touring the city and learning about some of its history. The Grand Canal was another beautiful sight in Venice. I would love to return to Italy to visit Florence, Rome, and Naples.

Thanks for reading!
Jess White

Wednesday, May 16, 2018



We spent the day in Venice! It was great! We got a quick tour of the city and then had free time to explore the city. I got to walk around and shop at different stores all around. We all got pasta to go- which was absolutely delicious. I also had two different cups of gelato, which was amazing. Then, I ended the day with some pizza. I am just living my best life since it’s my last day away from home. Now we are going back to Slovenia to pack and eat some dinner. Tomorrow is a day full if travel! I love it here, but I am ready to go home, see my puppy (and family), and to have some alone time which I have been missing so much. 

Last day... VENICE!

I am completely in love with Venice! I think this was a great way to end our trip, on a beautiful floating city. Learning about its history and all of its beautiful landmarks was so much fun. Seeing St. Mark Piazza was literally breathtaking, I wish I could have had more time to go inside the cathedral. One of my favorite things from this trip was the gondola ride. It was nice seeing the city from a different view, in the canals.



I am so happy we spent our last day of this trip in Venice! This experience was one of a kind. My favorite part was the gondola ride. I have always wanted to visit Italy and go for a gondola ride. One more check to add to my list!

I am also amazed at all of the glass products in Venice. I am so happy that I found so many gifts for my family! I am already wanting to go back to Venice and explore more of Italy!


Jessica D.

Venice, or technically Venezia, is absolutely the most beautiful city we’ve seen on this trip. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore Ljubljana but there’s a charm to Venice that can’t be denied. The old cathedrals, ancient architecture, and tiny little shops make it obvious why this city has become such a huge tourist destination. We toured the city with our guides who provided us with helpful tips and hints such as where to find the best “walking pasta” and honestly it surpassed my expectations! The pasta and sauce from my Chicken Alfredo were fresh, tasty, and covered with mozzarella cheese...YUM! We adventured through St. Mark Square and many of the little shops before stopping for some gelato (there is literally a flavor for everyone, so many to choose from) and finishing the trip with a water taxi ride. I can’t wait to come back to this magical city!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Invisible Ljubljana Tour

The tour we took today with a woman who is actually experiencing homelessness was a huge eye opener. She showed us an underground homeless shelter where people can live for up to one year, eat breakfast and dinner, and wash their clothes. She told us of the many hardships she has faced other than homelessness such as her addiction to drugs and alcohol. It was great to hear that she is now sober and in a better place mentally and physically. Although it may be cliche to say, but going on this tour really made me stop and take a moment to truly appreciate everything I have.

Thanks for reading!
Jess White

Presentations at the University of Ljubljana

I am happy to say that I did a great job presenting today at the University of Ljubljana. I felt nerves leading up to today, especially when we walked into the room packed full of students who I would be presenting to. My presentation was over the topic of immigration and the positive effect it has on education in the United States. We also listened to the University students' presentations over topics such as poverty, school psychology, and fact of women being the dominant figure in the field of early education. These presentations were very interesting to me and I learned how these topics differ in Slovenia and the United States.

Thanks for reading!
Jess White

Invisible people tour

After eating lunch and taking a small break at the hotel, we headed over for our invisible people tour. This was definitely one of my favorite site visits, I can completely agree with the name invisible people because I would have had no idea homelessness existed in Slovenia. During our stay, I assumed there may be a few homeless people but i hadn’t seen one. During the tour they showed us a shelter, which was under a bridge that we crossed every time we walked to the university. It was nice seeing the shelter  and hearing all of the cool things they offer the homeless. It was a humbling experience and made me appreciative of what I have!


Last work day, wooo! So today we headed over to the University of Ljubljana for the last time. Today is our presentation day, and I Presented  twice, my second language learners slide and my reflection presentation. I was definitely not expecting sooo many students to show up, but we had a full room for my first presentation. I enjoyed hearing all of our reflection presentations but it was also sad because it started hitting that we’re almost leaving. Later today we will be taking an invisible tour and I’m excited for that!

The Invisible People Tour


Going on the Invisible People Tour was incredible. It is amazing that there is so many homeless people in Ljubljana and I would never even guess. I understand what they mean when they say the invisible people of Ljubljana.

It’s nice that there is so many organizations and groups that will help the homeless in the city.

I am amazed at the woman who took us on our tour. She completely turned her life around and it is incredible!

Stephanie 💜



This morning was spent at the Univeristy of Ljubljana presenting to the students we have been working with. I believe they enjoyed hearing about our experiences here in Slovenia.

I enjoyed listening to their presentations about various topics. This whole experience working with the University has been amazing! I hope that the Univeristy of Ljubljana makes a trip out to Chicago one day!

Stephanie 💜

Invisible Ljubljana


Today we went on a tour to learn more about the homeless system here in Ljubljana. It was really informative and eyeopening to see how they operate it here. It was nice because someone that goes/went through the process was the one that led the tour. It was nice to hear first hand experiences from what she went through. We got to observe the place where the homeless can be provided shelter, food, clothes, etc. There was only seven beds provided in one room so there was rules that people had to follow. In order to be granted a bed that had to pray before every meal and be willing to help clean.

Furthermore, the ladies took us to a place on the river called Stigma. This place was for people that had drug addiction problems. In order to be provided a place to stay through what is called safehouse the individual had to have an addictions problem and prove they were being harassed in some way or another.

The last place they took us to was the homeless shelter. We did not get to go inside because it was closed, but I got to see that part of town that I didn't think existed. One of the ladies mentioned that most people that are homeless lie on the grasses outside the shelter in the park. People tend to avoid that side of town especially if they have children. Her analogy was that it looked like a party because the grass had alcohol bottles everywhere and needles as well.  Just overall a really sad situation for a lot of individuals and families, but it's the reality of it.

Invisible Ljubljana

Jessica D.

The second part of today, our last day in Ljubljana, was a tour of the "Invisible Ljubljana." It's absolutely shocking the sights that can be seen on the streets of such a wonderful city. We were guided through the streets and a hidden underground where the homeless population of Ljubljana gather to find shelter, warmth, food, and basic supplies. Our guide was very aware of this reality because she herself was once a homeless addict living day-to-day. I loved the experience because it allowed me to really understand the realities that many homeless children and families face. I also hated the experience because it is horrible to truly see with the dangerous situations thousands of people face on a daily basis. It is called "Invisible Ljubljana" because it is a side of the city, and the world, that many people ignore. Fortunately, many people and organizations are working hard to improve their circumstances and I can only hope that kind souls will continue to donate their time, clothing, food, and money to assist those in desperate need.



This was the last day at the University and it was such a bittersweet day. I got to present my topic presentation on school security and violence in U.S schools. Whereas, I also got to hear some interesting presentations given by the students in the faculty of psychology and educational sciences. Some topics I heard were: early learning development, impact on poverty, counseling, and feminism. All presenters did a really good job. The presentations were very informative that sparked a lot of great group discussions.

Furthermore, I was super surprised that a lot of people from the University were so intrigued by my presentation. A lot of them laughed when I asked if they have any security like metal detectors in schools. It just goes to show that Ljubljana is very safe and Slovenia as a whole is much much MUCH safer than the states. It's unfortunate that we had so many shootings in our nation, but it happened and as a country we have to come together to find that necessary solution(s) to help prevent them in the future.

Invisible Ljubljana Tour


Today, we also went on an Invisible Tour of Ljubljana. This tour walked us through homelessness in the city, and our guide was a woman who went through homelessness. It was very interesting to hear about the different places from our guide's perspective as someone who has been through it. I really did not realize how many homeless people there were in the city. Walking around, we saw only a couple, but our guides said there is around 3,000 people who are homeless in the city alone. I was surprised by this number. I also did not even notice where most of the shelters were located, though I have walked past them multiple times since our first day here.  There are not enough shelters around the city for the people who may need them. There are more places for free food, clothing, showers, and washing machines; than there are for people to sleep. This tour was very interesting and I am glad we got to go and experience it, and I would definitely recommend it to others visiting the city.


Jessica D.

I had to give two presentations today, one on language development and culture and the other a reflection of my time in Slovenia. I know the information on both topics, but I was still nervous to present in front of a classroom full of students at the University of Ljubljana. I think that the presentations went well, although I spoke a little too quickly out of nervousness and gestured quite a bit with my hands. Hopefully I was able to get across the concepts effectively...I think that overall it went well and the students seemed to understand and enjoy the topic. It makes me sad that we are so close to leaving Slovenia, but I have definitely enjoyed my time in this wonderful country and I can't thank the students and professors enough for welcoming us into their school and city.

Last Day at the University!


Today was our last day participating at the University of Ljubljana! This was quite bitter sweet.  On one hand I am glad there are no more presentations for me to give, but on the other, I am going to miss learning about their University and the discussions of similarities and differences between the US and Slovenia. Today, a few of my classmates gave presentations on different topics about the US, then all of us gave reflection presentations. Though we had similar concepts in our reflections, I think that, since we are all so different, we each talked about the concepts in different ways. Though, we all agree: The food here is great, and we all want to come back. We also got to listen to a few of the students from the University give presentations on both things that happen in their school, and also on broader topics in their education system. It is very interesting to be able to learn from other students, and I am so grateful they all took the time to prepare these presentations for us. I also want to just say thank you, again, to everyone at the University who welcomed us and accommodated us on our visit here - it was amazing!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Site 3

Our last site of the day was the rehabilitation institute, although this wasn’t education major related it was still very interesting to see. We got to hear about the history of the institute and their purpose and got to tour some of the rooms in the institute. First we got to go to the smart room, which was personally my favorite. There was SO much cool technology in the room, I felt like I was in the future. Everything was set up to make it easier for disabled people. The toilet was adjustable at the touch of a button, things like the sink and the microwave can be adjusted to fit the persons height and reache abilities. Tasks like opening windows and turning lights on and off we’re on a smart board tv and was available at the touch of a button.

Site 2

Our second site was the counseling center for children and adolescents. We didn’t get to tour this place but we got to hear all about it. It was interesting hearing their problem of having too many people. They have long wait lists since they have so many clients. Although this free service seems like a complete positive, it has its negative side. Also, I enjoyed learning about the types of group therapy they provide for their clients. We learned that they contain a small group of students and have certain focuses like art therapy, social anxiety, and dance therapy, etc. Below I am attaching an image of the man who presented the information of the centre to us.

Site 3: University Rehabilitation Center

The third site we visited was the Universities Rehabilitation Center. It was very eyeopening to see all the remarkable machinery to help people that had various types of injuries. It was so cool to see the SMART room where a lot of technology was able to help the residents. For example, you could touch this computer like screen to open the windows or turn the lights on and off. Additionally, a lot of the machines had access to move it up and down so residents can have an easier time accessing them. We also got to see the occupational therapy room which was interesting. What I found most interesting was talking to the researchers about the machinery to help people. I liked that example that was on the computer where it was the hand trying to put the cubes in the treasure chest. It is a lot harder than it looks, but it definitely helps with fine motor skills.  Overall, a very interesting and intriguing experience.